Monday, October 18, 2010


Nothing has change consistent work but had a change in mind set. I have been so focused on trying to win the war I lost sight of the battles in between. With no end in sight I continue to walk down the path. No longer looking at the finish line mind set is win the day. Win enough days and eventually the war will be won. Life is good but I'm not where I want to be so I pretend like its dark that's where the motivation comes from. At least now there is a path to follow and I am no longer lost. Still in my own world  though things that were important me before no longer have value. Everything I've been through is only setting the stage for what is to come. I am stronger than ever not only physically but mentally as well. Here I stand alone just me so if your wondering what I'm doing I'm on a war path chasing the road to success and that's it.

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