Thursday, November 25, 2010


The road stopped at something big, trying to put it all together I was in denial. I have to be dreaming everyday I think this did not really happen to me but it did. My plate is full my mind is racing and there is so much to do. Several things to balance I have a hard time sleeping. I ponder if its worth while even to continue to play football what I'm working on now is much bigger. Football has been the gateway to this so that's why I'm torn, maybe I can do it all... Life is much better than what it was in the summer. I thank god for guiding me threw the darkness to this point. It has been a blessing in disguise, it took me a while to see it but now I truly see it. I wont give up on football because it has shaped my life and who I am today. It is the fuel that drives me and gets me out of bed when I don't want to. Besides what's life if your not chasing something? I'm ready to play so even while I'm working on this big project I'll keep screaming PUT ME IN THE GAME COACH!

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