Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Road Back

The road back seems darker than ever with so many uncertainties about life makes it tough to focus. The lost of my significant other has hit close the chest, fate brought us together and will be the same thing breaks us apart. We have reached the fork in the road, and in order for the both of us to continue  to grow we must go at it alone. Her road leads down a different path than mine, I wish her all the best in her journey. It's a tough pill to swallow but swallow it I must. Physically, emotionally and mentally drained the show must go on. As the last week of work wraps up I will have a week to solely focus on training and recharge the battery. May god give me the strength to focus on what it important and ignore what is not. I will not question why things had to happen but trust him that it was for a reason that I cannot understand or see now. I trust him he will lead me the right way.

"For we walk by faith not by sight."

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