Wednesday, June 2, 2010

3rd Time's A Charm (Rookie Camp Day 1)

Once dead to the world I never felt so alive as i do now! Could barely sleep last night waiting for this day to come. Filled with mixed emotions headed to Commonwealth it was a glorious day. It felt so good just to be putting my cleats on knowing I'm going to practice rather than out the field alone. Rookie camp is nothing new to me its my 3rd time I know exactly what to expect. I'm working on getting better everyday and helping the younger guys understand the defence. The game feels a lot slower than what I remember, maybe its because I am in better shape or that I'm not thinking and just playing football. I think its a little of both! We are back at it tomorrow 9:00 AM so I will have to keep it short I am refreshing myself with the playbook. Have a great night!

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