Friday, June 4, 2010

3rd Time's A Charm (Rookie Camp Day 3)

Nightmares all night multiple dreams of things just being taken from me set the day up how it was going to go. Paranoid all day I just had that feeling this wasn't my day. Sure enough it wasn't shortly after practice I was released. I wasn't really surprised I did not get any repetitions at safety, the position I was trying out for. It became clear that I was just a body for camp, it was written before I even laced up my cleats. Oh well you live and you learn it sure wasn't for my lack of effort.  I failed but my head is high I have a lot of things to think about. The 3rd time wasn't a charm more like a repeat but much faster. It leaves a real bitter taste in mouth so I'm going to wash it out with a drink and go outside.

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