Tuesday, June 22, 2010


These videos blogs are not enough! I may be happy while I'm training but at night I'm utterly pissed off ranging in my mind, this was supposed to be my year! I was lied to made false promises that I was going be given a chance to compete for a starting job and I wasn't even invited to training camp. I'm trying to be positive but it's so hard, it's a constant battle 24hrs a day.  I'm always there to listen to my friends but who is there to listen to me? No one can really understand the mental stress. I'm at my breaking point I keep telling God I can't handle anymore of this, but he keeps putting it on my plate. I poured my heart out for this game with no return yet. Can you see the hunger? Can you see I want it? Only if they let me get on the field I would be a top player! Politics of the game... If I give up now then all of this means nothing everything I sacrificed overs the years will have been for nothing. The fire burns deep so hear my war cry NEVER DIEEEEEEEEEEEE I"M TOO STRONG, I'M TOO STUBBORN!

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