Thursday, June 3, 2010

3rd Time's A Charm (Rookie Camp Day 2)

Overall it was a pretty good day i'm a little upset the way 1 on 1's went today I performed below what I know i'm capable of so that's what has me upset. Press coverage is much harder than playing off,  though we worked the technique of  press with 1 hand I used 2. A little more mental focus and better technique should be a better day tomorrow. Other than that is was a solid day took reps at Safety and Corner no assignment errors just minor adjustment. Veterans players start to roll into the facilities, it was nice to see some familiar faces welcoming me back. I'm sore today my threshold for pain has decreased significantly and things that used to never really hurt do now. It will probably take me some time to get used to banging my body around. That's the feeling to live for you know that you put out you maximum effort the day, hard work always pays off. Were back at it tomorrow for the final day of rookie camp before the vets come. 1 more day to knock to rust off and go full steam ahead.

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