Wednesday, July 28, 2010


If you stay ready you ain't have to get ready! The only thing I can control right now is how hard I work so another week of getting faster getting stronger patiently waiting for my shot. I've been up and down mentally but still managed  to come in and get some good work done. I'm trying to get to 90 degrees with my knee bend it's really hard with this kind of weight on. It's the only way I'm going to get faster is to be able to recruit that strength at that position. The record is 500lbs here at the nation.

1 comment:

  1. Hey sammy,

    I am glad that you are open to comments, I truly just want to see you succeed, I know you have the ability and desire and that your time will come, this is just part of your journey. Give me a call we need to chat 403-660-8911

