Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life as a Rookie (Week 18) Part 21 of 23

Mtl @ Edm It was the last week of the season, I had survived a full year! It wasn’t exactly what I had planned, but the worst was over, and I was still here none the less. After our last horrendous game, we needed to get the bad taste out our mouths. T.I threw another B.B.Q to kick of the post-season. It had a different spin on it from the last one. Instead of playing Madden in the living room, guys were free-styling. Enjoying the comical experience, I laughed and cheered everyone on. Some guys were very talented while others were, well, let’s just say amusing. When I was asked to take my turn, I replied “Hell NOOO!” I was shy and wasn’t one to put myself in front of the camera, so I resisted. Back home in Montreal, I was always in the studio listening to my friend “H-Man” freestyle. I had no idea of the amount of artistic capacity that was required. However, having spent countless hours there it seemed like something I could pull off. Reciting a little freestyle version of my own in my head, I was ready. Jumping up into the camera, feeling confident with my hat tilted to the side, I told them to put the beat on. For that split second in time I really thought I could do it…

Certain dudes asking where Pro go?
Where he at? Where he go? I don’t know!
As I looked back into the camera I forgot the rest of my rhyme. All the guys erupted in laughter, “AHHAHAHAHAH!!!!” Embarrassed, I returned to the couch with my head down. It was bad, REAL BAD! I went home laughing, but also dreading the next day, knowing I’d be reminded of my “stellar” performance.
Sure enough, as I walked into the locker room… “Where he at! Where he go! I don’t know!” It was the joke of the week. Finally the “Eh YOOO MAN” had died down and been replaced with new material to harass the rookie with. During warm-up on the practice field KP stopped by and said, “I heard about your freestyle…a few words of advice…know your limits! There are certain things you know you can do well and certain things you know you can’t. Know your limits!” He laughed again and jogged off. What a way to finish off the rookie season!

Game Day. The playoff picture was set and nothing was on the line. The goal was simply to get back on track with some good football. We needed to pick up a win in order to erase the awful loss from the previous week. Despite the rather meaningless game, we accomplished what we had set out to do. Esks win 37-14.

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